About GRPS Innovation
The retail and event industries are going through disruptive and challenging changes. The way to reach and interact with people and selling products and services are fundamentally changing.
It is imperative for the event and retail industries to harness the power of new technologies and utilize them in creative and exciting ways. Combining these tools (such as Analytics, VR, AR and MX) will make your company more competitive and better positioned to cope with the changes that lie ahead.

Disruption is everywhere
GRPS Innovation is working at the intersection of multiple industries and drawing and building on experiences acquired in the event, gaming and retail industries.
GRPS Innovation is working at the intersection of multiple industries and drawing and building on experiences acquired in the event, gaming and retail industries.
David Garpenstahl, the founder and CEO of GRPS, is a serial entrepreneur with 20+ years of experience founding and leading multiple companies across the gaming, event and music industries. One of the pioneers in the gaming and e-sports industry on an international level, David’s track record includes companies such as DreamHack (the world’s largest digital festival), ESN Social Software (creator of Battlelog, acquired by EA) and Inferno Online (Europe’s largest gaming center).
David Garpenståhl has over the past few years also been conducting advisory and been involved in projects globally, including Campus Party, eSports team Space Soldiers, SITEX consumer show in Singapore and GamerToken in the USA and is currently working on new event productions in Brazil.
GRPS Services & Products
Interactive technologies
We provide the latest technologies in Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality.
Retail Software solutions
We are Official Business partner to Retail Pro in the Nordics.
We provide innovative equipment and peripherals for all your needs.
Insight and data is important for pro active decision making.
Software development
GRPS provide development and customization.
Consulting & Advisory
We provide strategic consulting for decision support, organisational improvement, training and operative execution.